Thursday 21 March 2013

Another 6 Tonnes Of Hoggin

With the stone edge completed on Tuesday, following the amendment of the straight edge to a curve, the hoggin arrived this morning to repair the path. First the New Holland tractor, with the grab attachment, was used to break up the path.

Once the path had been broken up the grab was removed from the front of the tractor and the hydraulic trailer attached to the back. The hoggin was then tipped onto the path, shovelled and then raked to create a slight camber, a raised centre which sheds water to each side.

The wacker plate was then used to compact the hoggin and complete another restored path, that's 32 tonnes of hoggin laid so far this year to restore two paths in the college.



  1. Hello Julianna. Thank you for your comment and the blog link. Pleased that you find our blog helpful, regards The Gardeners of Worcester College.

  2. Hi, do you think it is necessary to use a whacker to firm down hoggin? Won’t it just settle in by itself over time? Ruth
