Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Now The Digging Is Done
Monday, 29 March 2010
Forecast Rain
Friday, 26 March 2010
Seed Sowing
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Gaudy 1966-70
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Nice Soft Cushions
Friday, 19 March 2010
Temperatures Hotter Than Greece
Josh has over fed the Nuffield Lawn with a granular feed, which, once the rain comes, will wash in and steadily release nutrients into the lawn.
Graham hoed off the Cow Parsley that was beginning to grow and would have crowded out the snowdrops along the Nelson Street path down to the Canal Building.
Simon, Joe and Ady have replaced the Birch binding on The Broadwalk which, over the last two years, had become brittle and broken in to tiny pieces.
The guys also started to prune the roses in the Provost's Rose Garden, Lucy and Ali missed the pruning this year, at college and on holiday respectively.
The week ended with a visit to Lady Margaret Hall College, LMH, to collect a tray of snowdrops for planting between the Hornbeam and the Beech trees on the Nuffield Lawn at Worcester. Thank you to the Head Gardener, Ben, at LMH, for his generosity and planting snowdrops is such a lovely way to finish off a busy week.
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Anglesey Abbey
Anglesey Abbey is well worth a visit and a day enjoyed by all the team
Monday, 15 March 2010
Graham, Joe, Simon and Ady have spent the day moving a large compost heap from the bottom of the orchard to the top of the sports field, clearing the area in preparation for the start of this years grass cutting.
Josh has continued his work on the college front lawns, top dressing with soil and over seeding with grass seed to create a luxurious lawn as you walk in to the college this summer.
Ali and Lucy finished cutting out tree circles around the youngest of the apple trees in the orchard, feeding them with a nutritious mulch, now that they no longer have to fight for nutrients with the grass. Once they finished in the orchard, they moved to the herbaceous border to cut down the Golden Dogwood, Cornus alba 'Aurea'. The stems have given a lovely display of red, but now we require new stems to grow, to provide us with their golden leaves this summer. As we work in the border the Crocus are in flower behind us, on the Nuffield Lawn, replacing the Aconites that have finished their display.
Friday, 12 March 2010
Ditch Clearing
The lawns at the front of the college have been scarifyed and along with the quad lawn and the banks, have all been sprayed with a fungicide and fed with iron.
Work in the old greenhouse has continued and is now empty waiting for a new white wash over the inner brick work, leaf mould has been brought down from the top of the sports field ready to be dug into the tired soil.
Two benches have been removed from the grounds and left to dry in the sheds. Armed with sheets of sandpaper, these benches have been sanded down ready to be painted with a preservative.
The moving of Snowdrops and Aconites has continued and the seeds have started to be sown for our vegetables and summer display.
To end the week, the team finished emptying the ditch that surrounds the sports field. This job was started before Christmas, but due to the wet weather the leaves have had to be left in the ditch until they and the ditch had dried out.
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Reshaping The Apple Trees
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
I Am Not A Snowdrop
If you walk along the Broadwalk you will see us both, come, take a look, we won't be here for long.
Monday, 8 March 2010
Four Men and a Lady

Wednesday, 3 March 2010
Pruning Of The Apple Trees - Year 2
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
Welcome Back, Chris
The Answer To Our Question

Monday, 1 March 2010
First Day of Spring
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