Last November the team planted approxiametly 400 tulip bulbs around the college grounds, in pots and the borders. Well, now every day over the next few weeks, we will get to see the results of all that hard work. On the herbaceous border, a rainbow of colour has appeared, red, orange and white. The red tulip, 'Pieter de leur', is a vivid red tulip with pointed petals, flowering April/May.

In the area the team call the Tropical Bed, due to its summer display, you will find a border full of the tulip 'Passionale', a beautiful, robust plant with large blooms of purple. The wallflowers are just about to open and will provide, we hope, a stunning contrast.

In the urns, in the middle of the herbaceous border, the tulip 'Spring Green' is flowering, a fresh green colour, with a broad white edge at their tips. This tulip can also be found in the front quad borders in front of the cottages, brightening up this shady area.

Another wonderful, scented tulip, found next to Pieter de leur, is the striking, pointed tip, tangerine orange tulip, 'Ballerina'. We fell in love with this tulip last year, when displayed in the tropical bed, so could not resist using it again this year. We already have plans for next year with even more wonderfully coloured tulips to enhance our display.
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