The team managed to start the winter pruning of the climbers early, see blog entry 'Pruning Begins' 29th November 2012, but with the Christmas break and the recent snowfall the rate of pruning has slowed. Catching up began on Tuesday in the front quad with the pruning of the last few climbing roses on the top terrace, then on to those at the back of the cottages.
Once the roses had been completed the team focused their attention on the wisteria, the three on the back of the cottages, one over the arch that separates the herbaceous border and the large wisteria at the bottom of the front quad.
After three days of continuous cutting with their secateurs they had made huge inroads into the pruning of the college climbers. Over the next few weeks they will be in the orchard pruning the fruit trees and the Provost's garden pruning the roses.
Pruning climbing roses- you are welcome, all those thorns. I used to hate pruning Kiftsgate when it was high in the trees.