Monday 13 March 2017

Shades Of Lemon And A Rich Violet Purple

Primula acaulis 'Primlet Lemon Shades'

Primula acaulis 'Primlet Lemon Shades'

The two Primula flowering in the gardens at the moment were grown from seed sown in mid July last year, see blog entry for the 15th July 2016 'Eleven Half Trays And Six Shallow Pots'. Ali and Simon saw the picture of the plants in the Ball Colegrave  catalogue, the seed was duly ordered, sown and the resultant plants are everything they had hoped they would be.
The Primula acaulis 'Primlet Lemon Shades' has clusters of scented, pale lemon flowers that look like rosebuds before they open whereas the Primula polyanthus 'Stella Neon Violet'  has rich violet purple flowers with a bright yellow eye in the centre, both these plants are a great new addition to the gardens and may well be seen again in the future.  

Primula polyanthus 'Stella Neon Violet'

Primula polyanthus 'Stella Neon Violet'

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