Gatekeeper |
After last year's washout summer, this year has seen a noticeable increase in butterflies around the college gardens. The sunny weather, throughout July and August, has brought the butterflies out in huge numbers, with the Buddleia, Echinacea and Verbena bonariensis being the most popular amongst our beautiful, dainty winged visitors.
Speckled Wood |
The Large White, Small White, Peacock and Small Tortoiseshell have been seen in abundance but others have also been a welcome sight. From the early first sightings of Orange Tip, the gardens have also been visited by Marbled White, Common Blue, Holly Blue, Gatekeeper, Comma, Brimstone, Red Admiral, Painted Lady and Speckled Wood.
Small Tortoiseshell |
Hopefully the warm weather extends well in to September and the butterflies continue to flutter around the gardens as this summer, the sight of them, has been just magical.
Painted Lady |