Friday 17 February 2012

Wild Flower Meadow

Already with one area devoted to wild flowers in the college currently in its third year since sowing, Ali is trying to create a second. A small trial area was sown last year and this is now being extended to run through the orchard. The area is scarified, scuffed up, using a spring rake and then the seed is broadcast over these bald areas. Rain forecast tomorrow and a bit of cold, sun and warmth over the next month, should create perfect conditions for germination.
The seed mix is 80% grasses and 20% wild flowers. The wild flowers are:
  • Betony
  • Birdsfoot Trefoil
  • Bulbous Buttercup
  • Catsear
  • Cowslip
  • Common Knapweed
  • Ladys Bedstraw
  • Oxeye Daisy
  • Salad Burnet
  • Self Heal
  • White Campion
Whilst working in the orchard this week, a lone snowdrop has appeared, a welcome sight on this side of the college.

1 comment:

  1. i read a lot of stuff and i found that the way of writing to clearifing that exactly want to say was very good so i am impressed and ilike to come again in future..
    djs Worcester
