Wednesday 27 August 2014

Deep Cleaning The Greenhouse

The greenhouse has stood empty since the end of June, see blog entry 30th June 'An Empty Greenhouse', but it has been too hot to go inside to start the deep clean. With the weather having cooled in recent weeks, Ali saw this as the perfect opportunity to clean it in preparation for the return of the plants which will start with the cuttings in mid September.

First the floor was blown through and all the leaf debris from the previous twleve months collected, then, dressed in a chemical suit, wellington boots and rubber gloves, Ali scrubbed all the aluminium staging with a scourer pad dipped in buckets of hot water and Jeyes Fluid disinfectant. Once the staging had been cleaned, the floor was given a Jeyes Fluid wash using a watering can. To finish the clean the glass was power washed and, once everything had dried, the wooden shelving was put back on top of the staging.

1 comment:

  1. I liked your post on cleaning the greenhouse. Well I need some tips to prepare natural green cleaning products at home. I wonder if you have some tips for that!!
