It is that time of the year when the hebaceous border is well past its best and needs a thorough tidy up. The team gather along the border with sharp secateurs in hand and prepare to cut all the perennial plants to the ground and remove all the annual plants. We divide into teams of two and split the border into small sections, cutting down, removing all the material to the compost heaps for next years mulch and remove all the birch supports, which are taken to the chipper to be chipped at a later date.

Once the plant material has all been removed, Ady then blows all the leaves off the border, which is also added to the compost heaps.

Now that the border has been cleared it is ready for its make over. Plants will be lifted and divided into more plants and moved to other areas and new plants will be added to enhance the border for next years display. Tulips will be added for a spring display, 300-400 in red, orange and white to mimic the colours in the summer display.

The last piece of the jigsaw will be to fork over the border to allow air and water to reach the plant roots, followed by a mulch.
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