19th April 2011: Today it was noticed that there are only two goslings and one adult.
21st April 2011: The feathers of the adult Greylag goose have been found, but the good news is we still have one adult and two goslings.
27th April 2011: The goose and the goslings have been joined by four adult geese. Not to be out done, a pair of Mallard now have 4 ducklings.
28th April 2011: Sadly, dispite safety in numbers, the goose has lost another gosling, now we have just one remaining.
3rd May 2011: The Greylag Geese have left, all the goslings have therefore been lost.
10th May 2011: A Moorhen pair have been seen with two chicks today.
16th May 2011: Canada Geese pair seen with three goslings.
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