Apart from the upkeep of the college grounds the team also manage outside sites, one of which was in urgent need of our attention.

Over the years the fencing on both boundary lines of this property have fallen apart and in desperate need of replacing, but first the old panels and posts needed to be removed.

The old, brittle panels came down easily but the posts, well whoever put them in never intended for them to ever be taken out!
Pick axes, grab axes, spades and a Kango chisel, blood, sweat but no tears, were all used to remove the posts.

The posts were not the only thing to put up a fight not to be removed. An old tree stump also stubbornly held onto the ground with every fibre of its being until after an hour the team released from its stronghold.

By the end of the day, the team left with the garden prepared for the delivery of all the new posts and panels tomorrow morning, "It was a good prep day" Simon said as he closed the door behind us.
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