Monday, 23 April 2012

Rosybill Pochard (Netta peposaca)

A surprise visitor, not seen unless in collections, was spotted on the lake this morning, a Rosybill Pochard (Netta peposaca). A resident of South America, this bird was identified by its distinctive red bill (male) with a black tip and its dark, glossy black-purple head. Welcome to Worcester College, don't know where you have come from, you must have escaped, how long you will stay, but it was lovely to have seen you on the lake.


  1. This particular duck is probably been the same one that has been on port meadow this past week and chances are it has escaped from Richard Branson's wildfowl collection up in Kidlington.

    1. Hi Alex, thanks for the info. It confirms what Slimbridge WWT advised me, the duck would be an escaped bird from a local collection. He is still on the lake today, trying to join a group of Mallards. Regards Allison

  2. And in College colours too!
    The Provost

  3. Provost, great comment, a duck in Worcester College colours, we were meant to have him. Regards Allison
